Partnering with IoTeX


Amasa and IoTeX have a shared goal of an open Web 3.0 powered world that rewards device users and network participants. Some of the areas for opportunity within this space include the creation and sharing of verifiable data. These are verified data feeds connecting what happens in the real world with blockchain applications.

IoTeX’s product lineup includes tamper-proof devices such as the Pebble, which can be connected to tamper-proof smart contracts. The Pebble generates real world data feeds with applications across remote monitoring, transportation and logistics, mobile asset tracking, and process automation. The data generated from these devices can then be fed directly into novel shared data economies that are based on this verifiable, trusted, and secure data.

IoTeX is helping people generate and take ownership of new data streams and Amasa will help users better monetise those streams in an ever expanding number of ways. Through partnerships such as this, IoTeX and Amasa are helping usher in the fairer, more secure, and more lucrative Web 3.0 future.


Partnering with Hive


Partnering with Planetarium and Nine Chronicles